About Us
The Chemical Biophysics Symposium (CBP) is a student-organized conference at the University of Toronto that provides an informal venue for discussions on topics at the interface of chemistry, biology, and physics.
Past symposia have been marked by a strong multi-disciplinary turnout, noteworthy and engaging speakers, as well as lively debates, panel discussions, and question rounds.
Our main objective is to organize and host a symposium where attendees present and discuss research and issues relating to science at the intersection of chemistry, biology, and/or physics.
Our mandates are:
The symposium shall host keynote speakers, at least one of whom should be a professor/principal investigator at the University of Toronto and at least one of whom should reside and work outside of the US or Canada.
The symposium shall host contributed presentations (selected by the Organizing Committee) by graduate students, post-doctoral fellows, and professors/principal investigators from the University of Toronto and other institutions in and outside of Canada.
The symposium shall provide opportunities for poster presentations by any attendee, including undergraduate students, graduate students, post-doctoral fellows, and professors/principal investigators.
Organization of the symposium shall be led by graduate students at the University of Toronto and assisted by students, post-doctoral fellows, and professors/principal investigators at the University of Toronto or other institutions in the Greater Toronto Area.