CBP 2024
We are excited to welcome chemical biophysics enthusiasts from around the world to Toronto for the 20th annual Chemical Biophysics Symposium!
Symposium Summary
The symposium will consist of:
Six sessions, each featuring one of our renowned keynote speakers and three attendee-contributed presentations.
Three workshops:
Coarse-Grained Molecular Dynamics: A Bridge between Physics and Chemistry
Theory and Practical Aspects of Cryo-EM
*NEW* Beyond Confocal Microscopy, run by our sponsor, the Advanced Optical Microscopy Facility (AOMF), followed by a lunch and Q&A session for workshop attendees
Discussion panel on Sustainability Research and Sustainability in Research
Two poster sessions
There will also be plenty of opportunities to socialize and debate the latest science over coffee, posters, or at our banquet dinner. You can now find more information about the workshops and the complete schedule on our Program and Logistics page!
We look forward to seeing you all in April!
Thank you to the sponsors of CBP 2024!
Advanced Optical Microscopy Facility, Platinum level
University of Toronto
Dept. of Chemistry, Platinum level
Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Platinum level
Dept. of Biochemistry, Platinum level
Dept. of Physics, Platinum level
Chem Club, Gold Level
UTM Dept. of Chemical and Physical Sciences, Gold level
UofT Biochemistry Graduate Students' Union, Silver level
Biochemical Society of Canada, Gold level
Molecular Medicine Program, Hospital for Sick Children, Gold level
UTPoster, Bronze level
Dept. Physics and Astronomy, Silver level