Contributed Talks and Posters

CBP welcomes scientists from around the world to share their research via oral or poster presentations.

Oral Presentations

Attendees have the opportunity to give a 15 minute oral presentation followed by 5 minutes for questions. Any attendee - trainees, staff, and principal investigators - can apply to give an oral presentation. If you would like to be considered for an oral presentation, please submit your abstract when registering.

Please note: you will not automatically be given a poster slot if you are not selected for an oral presentation. You must indicate your interest in presenting a poster during registration.

Additionally, in order to secure an oral presentation slot, you must pay by the payment deadline.

Poster Presentations

All attendees can present one (1) poster. There is no selection process; anyone who wants to present a poster can unless they have accepted an oral presentation slot. If you would like to present a poster, please submit your abstract when registering.

Maximum poster dimensions are 3 ft (W) x 4 ft (H). Vertical posters are highly encouraged but not mandatory.

Please note: If you want to present a poster, you must indicate this during registration. If you are not selected for an oral presentation, you will not automatically be added to the poster presenters list. If you are selected for and accept an oral presentation, you will not be allocated a poster slot.

Additionally, in order to secure a poster presentation slot, you must pay by the payment deadline.

For a 10% discount on poster printing and direct delivery to the symposium, print your poster with UTPoster. Discount code will be provided to poster presenters directly.

Abstract Guidelines

Please download and fill out this abstract form with the required information.

Your abstract must not exceed 300 words. It must include a title as well as a list of authors and affiliations, not included in the 300-word limit. Citations are not required but must be only in-text if included. In-text citations count toward the 300-word limit. Please submit your abstract as a .doc or .docx file when completing the registration form, using the file naming convention LastName-FirstName-CBP-2024-Poster-Abstract or LastName-FirstName-CBP-2024-Oral-Abstract.

If you are interested in applying for an oral and poster presentation, please upload separate files for the oral and poster abstracts when registering.

If you need to make changes to your abstract before registration closes, please append -v2, -v3, etc. to the end of the original filename and upload the new version to your registration page. If you need to make changes to your abstract after registration closes, please contact us at